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Trust Matters, August 2019

Pre​mium Audits


估计的工资是由北卡罗来纳市政365足彩下载制定的,是基于你在年初之前提供给365足彩下载的最后一次审计. 一旦财政年度结束,NCLM承销商执行审计,以获得您的实际工资. 经审计的工资单将按类别代码与估计的工资单进行比较,并生成反映任何保费差异的发票.

In an effort to serve all members, the League uses various audit methods to obtain your actual payroll. 365足彩下载承销商和审计师将参与现场保费审计协助, 而自我审核将继续由核保组团队进行. To assist the underwriting team, 365足彩下载要求您提供反映2018-19财年实际工资的记录. This includes the following reports: WC Report, Gross Wage Report, Pay Type Report by Name, Payroll History Report, Accumulator Report, etc.

In every report, make sure to include all pay types: gross pay, overtime, sick pay, vacation pay, call pay, longevity, holiday, allowances for cell phone, uniforms, travel, car, military, LEO, stipend pay, bonus and fringe benefits. Some exclusions will be permitted; for instance, 美国国税局对每个雇员征收的超额人寿保险和加班费部分(三分之一的时间和半)的估算收入.

此外,一定要包括在财政年度工作的在职和被解雇的员工. This includes all board members, seasonal, part-time, full-time, reserve officers, volunteer firefighters, part-time firefighters and full-time firefighters. The League will need evidence of coverage for your contracted services. 请为所有使用的独立承包商提交保险证明,并确保为所有未提供保险证明的承包商使用合同劳动表.

​Additionally NCLM will require the following: 

  • Employee roster listing each employee and job title 
  • Page 1 of your esc and 941 reports for each quarter
  • Fire roster from the NCSFA if applicable
  • 你的囚犯合约副本及公共安全/惩教署的每月发票(如适用)
  • List of your auxiliary police officers
  • Copy of your auxiliary police ordinance if applicable
Once you have provided the League with the above-mentioned documents, your audit process should go very smoothly.  
Please call or email us if you have any questions. We are more than glad to assist you in any way possible:
Gary Burkhardt-Sr. Underwriter/Auditor 919-715-2914
Steven Hulme-Sr. Underwriter/Auditor  919-715-3923
Ariele D’Angelo Sr.-P&C Underwriter 919-715-8151
Patrice Adams Sr.-P&C Underwriter 919-715-9549

Baseball, Apple Pie & Workers' Comp​

每年的这个时候,每个人都想出去和同事一起享受时光, planning outdoor functions such as picnics and playing on sports teams.  如果你正在计划雇主赞助的活动,请记住,在这些活动中发生的伤害可能属于工人赔偿.   Ask yourself these questions:

  •  Did the Employer in fact sponsor the event
  • To what extent was attendance really voluntary
  • Was there some degree of encouragement to attend by taking attendance, paying for time spent, requiring employees to work if not in attendance, maintaining a known custom of attending  
  • Did the Employer substantially finance the occasion
  • Do Employees regard it as an employment benefit
  • 雇主是否有机会在活动中致辞及颁奖

如果您对此有任何疑问或其他工伤赔偿方面的问题, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 919-715-4000.

Natu​rally Slim

北卡罗来纳市政365足彩下载的健康福利信托基金与许多健康项目合作,通过提供实用的建议和信息来改善员工的健康. 我们仔细研究我们的合作伙伴,以确保他们有成功率和证据来支持他们的说法.  

Naturally Slim, 一个非节食减肥计划能教会参与者小的改变却能产生大的影响吗. 这个为期10周的在线课程对HBT会员免费,重点介绍了一系列与减肥和行为改变有关的主题,同时避免了常见的减肥计划方法和规则,比如计算卡路里或不吃某些类型的食物. 相反,该计划侧重于一些与吃多少和什么时候吃有关的简单原则.


  • Lost more than 3,795+ pounds
  • Gained improvements with indigestion (100% of participants)
  • Improved self-confidence (86% of participants)
  • Increased energy levels (76% of participants)
We currently offer complimentary enrollment in Naturally Slim twice a year, with classes beginning in March and September annually. Notices are sent to both employers and employees.  员工们应该在邮件中留意他们的明信片,这样他们就可以在8月19日到8月31日报名参加我们9月的课程. 
“Holy cow! My 10th day of this wonderful concept, and I am down 8.5lbs! And all while eating normal food that I actually like... I’m learning that how and when are more important than what. Thank you Naturally Slim for the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”

​​Run, Hide, Fight​

​On April 20, 1999, 当美国人目睹发生在利特尔顿哥伦拜恩高中的悲惨事件时,世界似乎永远改变了, Colorado, where two teenage students went on a shooting spree, killing 13 people and wounding more than 20 others.

这起悲剧引发了执法机构应对枪击事件的重大变化, 创造了对这些社区威胁的积极反应培训和新方法的需求. 

全国各地的执法机构继续为警官提供应对主动枪手和应对策略的培训. It is important to understand that when these events happen, 在警察到达采取行动之前,它们在短时间内迅速展开. 我们的员工和公民可以采取一些积极主动的措施来提高他们的安全和生存.  

Since 2016, 北卡罗来纳市政365足彩下载已经对市政要求进行主动射击准备培训做出了回应. 该培训遵循国土安全部“跑-躲-打”计划的建议,并向参与者强调在遇到这些事件时态势感知和反应考虑的重要性. 重要的是,市政当局要为员工制定一个计划,并为万一发生枪击事件做好准备. 建议制定涉及地方执法部门和其他利益攸关方的政策和培训.

国土安全部建议,如果市民认为附近有活跃的枪手, to be prepared both mentally and physically to deal with the situation.  Citizens must be alert and ready with a pre-developed plan in place. Since incidents vary, and rapidly unfold, a plan of action is imperative, and citizens should consider three options:  
  1. RUN (try to escape/evacuate without delay, if possible)
  2. 躲起来(如果跑不动,就躲到上锁的地方/场地外,并堵住门)
  3. 打架(作为最后的手段,用身体攻击来阻止威胁).

If confronted with an active shooter situation, 在保持生存心态的同时,及早发现威胁并迅速采取行动是当务之急.

DHS Active Shooter Preparedness,

For further assistance and more information related to NCLM training, contact Tom Anderson, NCLM Director of Risk Control,
